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  • Baulogic joins KNX UK Baulogic joins KNX UK
  • A KNX-based control system can help to reduce the running costs of your property by up to 40% A KNX-based control system can help to reduce the running costs of your property by up to 40%
  • KNX UK President Iain Gordon: “KNX UK welcomes Baulogic to the Association KNX UK President Iain Gordon: “KNX UK welcomes Baulogic to the Association

Baulogic joins KNX UK

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Specialising in the design, installation and support of intelligent building controls for residential and commercial projects, Cambridge-based Baulogic is promoting the KNX standard as a better alternative to limited proprietary lighting control systems.

KNX is celebrating its 20th anniversary as the worldwide standard for home and building control systems, including the control of lighting, heating, curtains/blinds, audio visual systems, intruder alarms, access control systems, household appliances and energy management. KNX is the international building control standard that puts the intelligence into intelligent buildings.

Baulogic’s director, Mark Gedrych, says: "We've joined KNX UK because we believe in the KNX standard and see KNX as the future, not only for commercial developments (where KNX is currently best known in the UK), but also for residential projects. Technology is advancing quickly, as are the needs of consumers, and high-end applications that we once saw only in luxury hotels are now making their way into residential developments. At the same time, facilities managers and estate managers are looking to cutting-edge technology to enable greater control and monitoring of their sites, to reduce energy consumption and costs. KNX products bring that level of sophistication."

Regarding energy consumption, Mark continues: "With government legislation on energy conservation already in place, KNX products are a highly cost-effective way to ensure that the necessary standards are met. Imagine a smart home or building that automatically turns off the lighting and heating when they’re not required, and that provides visual feedback of current and historical energy consumption. A KNX-based control system can help to reduce the running costs of your property by up to 40%.

"Baulogic is also championing KNX because we believe in its flexibility. The needs of modern buildings, as well as their occupants, are constantly changing, so the building infrastructure needs to be able to adapt. Because the KNX standard spans such a broad range of applications, it allows a building’s cabling to be far less complicated. A single KNX control cable connects all of the building’s electrical and electronic systems, making it easy to extend and link to new equipment as needs change."

KNX UK President Iain Gordon adds: “KNX UK welcomes Baulogic to the Association. The expertise of companies such as Baulogic will help to ensure any organisation specifying KNX intelligent building projects can turn to systems integrators with outstanding expertise."

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